The Author's Blog - Pen to Paper

Tips for New Writers

This is my forum to answer questions on writing.

I have always been a story teller. However, telling a story to a group of friends is reasonably different than doing it in writing. When you tell a story in writing, there is no way to judge how well or poorly your tale is progressing. You also have to describe everything since the reader is not physically present in the venue where the story is being told.

I have produced and refined stories in my mind for decades. And my first book, The Second Coming: The Arrival was an education and an extreme test of will. Although, its completion was set behind a steep learning curve, the milestone was achieved with considerable enjoyment. Notwithstanding, as I move on to my second book, I would not expect any other production to be as less arduous. However, perhaps it’s the journey that forges true strength. There is still so much I don’t know. But, I shall continue to keep pen to paper as often as possible, and hopefully inspire others.

That said, it seemed that every time I tell a friend I wrote a book I get bombarded with questions. It occurred to me that perhaps others could benefit from the same questions and answers. Therefore, I will ask and answer many of thier queries via this medium. I will be preparing and releasing ‘Tips for New Writers’ on a weekly basis from this date forward.

Please let me know if you find my narratives helpful on Twitter. I would appreciate your feedback and/or comments. Furthermore, if there is a topic or question you would like me to explore, please, be all means, submit a request. I am more than willing to share my thoughts on any subject (as it relates to writing).

I will post upcoming article topics and expected release dates as they become available. So please, check back from time to time for additional content. And feel free to reference my blog if you believe it might help others.

Tips for New Writers

1. Write What You Know - Available 6/29/2020

2. Set Professional Goals - Available 7/13/2020

3. Write Just to Write - Available 7/27/2020

4. Develop Your Characters First - Available 8/10/2020

5. Outlines - Helpful or a Hindrance - TBD

6. How Real is Too Real - Available TBD

7. Editing Your Work - Available TBD

8. Tying in Your Characters Throughout Your Book - Available TBD

9. Character Keys – When and if They’re Helpful - Available TBD

10. Story Parts – The Beginning, The Middle and The Twist - Available TBD

11. Determine How You Want to Write - Available TBD

Learn more about the Author

Listed below are a few areas which might heighten your understanding of the author.

The author is a Columnist for the Independent Tribune.

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A list of dates, times and events where the author will be present.

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